Current and Past Newsletters
Message for the Chair - 2024 Newsletter
Hello! I am Adam Carroll, the Chair of the Robotics and Remotes Systems Division, and a senior mechanical engineer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. RRSD had an excellent 2024, our membership has expanded to 426 RRSD members and the RRSD / DESD embedded topical, Decommissioning Environmental Sciences and Remote Technology 2024 was a great success. RRSD held two full days of technical and panel sessions focused on the latest development in robotics and remote handling technologies from government, universities, and industry experts. For several of the sessions we filled the room to capacity
Moving into 2025 we are starting a series of one-hour long webinars, providing three or four speakers an opportunity to discuss an interesting robotic or remote handling problem and their solution. The first of these webinars will focus on industry and is tentatively scheduled for mid-February. Later series will include National Laboratories, Universities, and Special Topics. Please stay tuned for details as dates, times, and participates are finalized.
Adam J. Carroll
Chair, RRSD
Last modified December 18, 2024, 8:13am CST